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Kenji's Medicine Interview Webinar - Cohort 1

Sat, Nov 20



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Kenji's Medicine Interview Webinar - Cohort 1
Kenji's Medicine Interview Webinar - Cohort 1

Time & Location

Nov 20, 2021, 10:30 AM – 12:35 PM GMT


About the event

🏅 What You'll Get from the Webinars

1)📹 A 2-hour session where we will be covering 5 common medicine interview scenarios with explanations for each scenario and the associated topics. 5 of you will get the chance to give it a go in answering the scenario to practice your interview skills where we can all learn together in a simulated environment.

2)❓ A Q&A at the end to answer any topics you find tricky.

3)👥 Access to a private community page where you'll all be able to connect with each other. This will allow you to be able to work together towards interview prep, share tips/advice and even set up practice interviews with each other. My team and I will also be present on the page to answer any questions that you might have.

4)👨🏼‍⚕️ 25% off my online medicine interview course which comes with a free copy of my medicine interview notes.

5)🐥 Early bird access to tickets for the next interview webinar.

🥳 By the End of the Webinar...

•🧑‍⚕️ You'll have a deeper grasp of core medicine-related topics and how to apply them in context to an interview scenario, which will put you at an even more competitive position for the interviews.

•🙋🏻‍♂️ You'll have all of your questions about the upcoming interviews answered.

•👥 You'll be part of a community of like-minded people who will also be supporting you on your journey of interview prep, including myself.

⏳ Times and Tickets

We'll be kicking off our first webinar on Saturday the 20th of November at 10:30 am and will last until 12:30 pm.

Tickets will be going on sale on Wednesday the 10th at 4 pm but please note:

•There are 100 of you in this newsletter and only 25 places available.

•Tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, please set a reminder to not be disappointed.

•After a few hours of being released, I'll then be sharing this on all of my social media to everyone else (you all have early access since you signed up to the newsletter).

•If you are experiencing financial hardship and do not have the money to pay for a ticket, please fill out this form and I'll be happy to help.

🌟 Money Back Guarantee

I am absolutely not here to scam you, I'm here to provide value to you. If you are not happy with how the webinar goes, email me and I will send you your money back right away - no questions asked.


  • General tickets

    Sale ended



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